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Refinish Your Door During Covid 19
At Refinish Your Door, the safety of our customers and staff is always our highest priority. We are actively monitoring updates from the CDC, WHO and local health officials and will follow their guidelines for our business.
According to current guidelines, we can continue to offer our door refinishing services because our work is primarily outside and we are easily able to socially distance.
A Few Guidelines during this health crisis:
Please Practice Social Distancing:
Refrain from handshakes
Maintain at least 6 feet between customer and RYD staff
Use online payment or place check so that 6ft distance can be maintained
Health Monitoring:
For your safety, we will only refinish your door if all the members of our household are symptom free.
For the safety of our staff, if anyone in your household is showing symptoms of respiratory illness, please let us know so that we can reschedule your door refinishing.
If you have any questions please contact us.
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